Monday, April 18, 2016

Devotion for Monday, April 18 (Sermon on the Mount Week)

Blessed are ... (Matthew 5)

What does it mean to be blessed? Is it found in health? In material possessions? In relationships? In satisfying and joyous work?

Sure, in each of these areas we often see and experience blessings.  Still, in Jesus' words in the Beatitudes, he offers us something altogether different from what we normally count as blessings.

If you are poor in spirit, or mourning, or meek, or hungry and thirsty, Jesus says we can also say that we are blessed.  He does so because what is most vital in understanding blessing is that our truest blessing is knowing the presence of God in all times of life.  As we come to understand that regardless of the events of life we are neither alone nor abandoned, then all moments and realities we encounter are ripe for God's life-giving work.

And as we come to internalize this gracious promise of our Lord, then we can be merciful, be peacemakers, and even face persecution in the confidence, strength, and power of Christ.  

As we exhibit this depth of faith and discipleship we are most and abundantly blessed, yes, but more importantly for the Kingdom of God we become blessings ourselves. 

Lord of grace, inspire us to be blessings. Amen.    

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