Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Devotion for Wednesday, May 4 (Sermon on the Mount Week Three)

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit (Matthew 7:18)

Bearing fruit is the term we use to describe the results experienced when we follow Jesus. Living in an agricultural society, it makes sense that Jesus would use this phrase for his hearers, who would have made the necessary connection easily and readily.  

As we have moved into an industrial  and technological society, this image may lose a bit of its power for us.  Still, I believe, it proves to be effective when we consider how our lives of faith will foster blessing and sustenance around us.

As the people of Jesus we are called to bear fruit.  We are called to be purveyors of hope and joy and possibility.  We gather to inspire each other and support one another and challenge each other and care for one another.  We are invited to take this message of the Gospel into the rest of our lives so that others may come to experience the good news of Jesus in their lives too.  

Ours is an amazing message!  It is a message bound to the ministry of Jesus, who came among us as God in the flesh, who modeled faithfulness and obedience, and who through a cross and empty tomb reconciled the broken and sinful world to the promise and blessing of God.  And this is given to all people for all time.  

As we share this message in word and deed, as we love like Jesus, live like Jesus, and forgive and show strength like Jesus, then fruit will be born in our lives, in the lives of others, and in this world that God so loves.  

Consider this day how you can bear fruit? How are you uniquely gifted to bear fruit?  What people and situations are ripe for your kingdom work this day? 

Jesus, your life sought to offer and bring new life. May our lives do the same. Amen.  

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