Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Devotion for Tuesday, May 3 (Sermon the Mount Week Three)

In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets (Matthew 7:12)

Jesus offers that the entirety of the law and prophetic tradition comes down to this: treat others as you want to be treated by them.  This is fantastically simple and powerfully persuasive.

I've often wondered if everyone took this to heart, as Jesus would desire, then our world would be very different indeed.  I imagine that it would look and feel like heaven.  

Whereas conventional wisdom often leads down a different path, a path that prizes our needs and desires above those around us, Jesus calls us an alternative worldview, one where we prioritize the needs of others above ourselves.  I wonder if the tension between these two paths is at the heart of the struggle we can often face in our journey of faith.

This call from Jesus is called the Golden rule.  It is a rule that, when followed, will not always be easy nor necessarily rewarding.  It could lead us to times a great sacrifice and moments of letting go of our pride and desires.  

Yet, this will also lead us into the fullness of the kingdom of God.  It will.  It does.  It has.  We know this through our previous travels down the path of Jesus.  While we don't always take this path in our daily living, the more often and more faithfully that we do will bring with it a deeper experience of the abiding presence of God.  

So let us walk together this difficult path of Jesus!

Loving Lord, lead us in right paths for your sake and the sake of the world. Amen. 

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