Friday, May 6, 2016

Devotion for Friday, May 6 (Sermon on the Mount Week Three)

Now when Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority (Matthew 7:28)

Who has authority in your life?

For many of us, there are multiple authorities in our lives.  The laws of our nation are an authority. Our families can be an authority for us.  Friends. Co-workers. Philosophies of finances and politics. All of these serve to offer their authority in our lives.

The people who first heard Jesus speak were astounded by his authority.  This presumes I think that they did not expect this authority to speak to them, at least at first.  But it did. And it changed them.

I believe that part of what made the words of Jesus in the sermon on the mount so effective and authoritative was that it was an alternative reality to what they had so often heard and experienced. Jesus spoke of God bringing blessing to those on the margins and those suffering.  Jesus spoke of a divine call for the faithful.  Jesus spoke of loving others.  Jesus spoke of offering forgiveness generously.  Jesus challenged them on lackadaisical and lukewarm faithfulness that did not take justice for others seriously.  Jesus warned of intentions as roots of unfaithfulness.  And Jesus confidently told them of God's fidelity and power.  

In a way, Jesus was simply reminding the people of their own story.  He was speaking within the authority of the mighty acts of God in their history.  He was speaking with the authority of the prophets, the law, and the great narratives of their faith.  Jesus was reminding them of who and whose they are.

Are we so different from them?  We need to be reminded of our story.  We need to be reminded that God has not, and never will, abandon us.  We need to be reminded that Jesus can change our hearts and our minds.  We need the hope that Jesus gave them in our lives now too.

Jesus, lead us and guide us and change us. Amen. 

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