Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Devotion for Wednesday, January 18

Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5)

As we head into the inauguration of President Trump on Friday, I am reminded of a couple of situations from my past.

When I began my ministry, Bill Clinton was president.  I would, regularly,  pray for him during my prayers during worship on Sunday.  Since I was the regular one who prayed, I would include prayers for the nation and the president.

I had a family who, during the Lewinsky scandal, was appalled that I would pray for Clinton.  They were of the more conservative persuasion, and they felt that instead of praying for him that I needed to bring attention to his failures of moral leadership and condemn his sin.  As it turned out, they eventually left the congregation.

In 2001, after George W. Bush was elected, I began praying regularly for him.  Another family, this time of the more progressive persuasion, were appalled that I would pray for a man who "cheated" to win the presidency and then who "lied" to get us into war.  They, too, eventually left the congregation.

While our laity prays regularly on Sundays at Bethel, I encourage them to pray for the President, regardless of who that person is.  I will pray for President Trump. I would have prayed from Hillary Clinton. I have prayed for President Obama.  I believe that it is incumbent upon the people of faith to pray for those in leadership.  

And if a particular president is not of your choosing or your liking?  What better way to deal with it than praying for them? 

Just saying.

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