Monday, January 23, 2017

Devotion for Monday, January 23

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, 
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer (Psalm 19)

My wife quotes this verse from the Psalms at the beginning of her sermons. I know other pastors who do the same.  I've even done it from time to time myself.

While this is the predominate way that I have become familiar with this verse, I have come to see that it is more than simply a sermon starter.  It can inform our entire lives and I believe it could build some bridges in our world.

Words matter, yes.  But notice that what is in our hearts matters too.  To be sure, I believe that a change of heart can change words.  And as you embrace your discipleship and do the work of repentance and change your words, I believe that your heart can change.

It is really a dual way of growing closer to living as God would have you live.  Change of behavior, no matter how difficult, can melt the frustrations of the heart.  And as you pray for your heart to be changed more toward the way of Christ, our words will more often than not become pleasing to God.

I pray to have my heart changed every day, beyond my fears and struggles and pains.  So many times this has changed my behavior and my words toward others.  And as my words and behaviors change, I experience a better way of living and it then begins to soften my heart.  

I pray that we all will take the time to pursue discipleship and peace in this way.  May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to God.  Amen.

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