Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Devotion for Tuesday, August 23 (The Beatitudes)

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4)

The Gospel message of Jesus Christ will "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable".  Indeed, the great reversal of the ministry and model of Jesus echoes the premise and promise of Isaiah 61 "to bring good news to poor, release to the captives, sight to blind, and set the oppressed free."

At the end of the day, the comforting nature of the Gospel is what inspires faith in so many.  When you have felt support, comfort, and strength through prayers, reading of scripture, the great hymns, and love of the church community, it is never forgotten.

I believe that the body of Christ, the Church, can be a place where comforting the afflicted, the mournful, and the suffering is a primary role and ministry.  At our best, the Church is a place of refuge and life-giving support for all, especially those who are marginalized and suffering.

I have seen my congregation support families going through significant health issues.  I have seen my congregation provide a welcome place for those who other congregations have shunned and dismissed because of their differences.  I have seen my congregation reach deep to support the needs of children and women around the world.  I have seen my congregation partner with other congregations to provide warm and safe lodging during the winter months for the homeless.  Not to mention the countless personal and anonymous ways I've witnessed people love, support, and comfort one another.  

I share this because while so many are quick to ridicule "organized religion" I have actually witnessed that despite our flaws, "organized religion" has done, is doing, and will continue to do so much good in this world as the body of Christ.  

Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable is a pretty good bumper sticker I must say. 

Comforting Lord, help us to be about your work and mission for all. Amen.

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