Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Devotion for Tuesday, June 7 (Week of Ephesians)

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19)

In 2012, this was the theme verse at the ELCA National Youth Gathering that was held in New Orleans. The fact that the football team in New Orleans is the Saints and that one of the great Jazz songs is And When the Saints Go Marching In this theme verse made a lot of sense.

The verse also speaks to the powerful realization that our "citizenship" is first and foremost within the kingdom of God.  This brings us into a fuller and deeper relationship with those around us.  In fact, strangers become brothers and sisters in Christ.  Those who are from other countries (foreigners) become our compatriots in Christ.  Indeed, Christ becomes the central and defining relationship of our lives.  It will define all other relationships.

And herein lies the rub.  If we are to follow Jesus, then we must actually attempt to live like Jesus. This will lead us to build, sustain, and restore relationships that we may not always want to build, sustain or restore.  Yet, by the power and grace of Jesus, we can dare to believe it is possible.

Sovereign God, thank you for claiming us as your own and uniting us with each other. Amen.

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