Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Devotion for Tuesday, July 5 (Isaiah 52 Week)

Shake yourself from the dust, rise up, O captive Jerusalem (Isaiah 52:2)

Sometimes we simply need to be kicked in the rear (proverbially speaking of course!

I loved coaches who were supportive and encouraging.  However, I REALLY loved coaches who would call you out and challenge you!

I remember winning a game one time with a last second shot.  Afterwards, I was fairly proud of myself and when we met the following week to get ready for our next game, I fully expected for my coach to heap the praises upon me.

Well, my coach spent the majority of our review session on how I had played pitiful defense, had not communicated, and committed too many risky passes and turnovers, etc.  After listening to him, I was now convinced that I hadn't played well at all!  And, in reality, I probably had not.

Even though I had played less than my ability, he valued that I was still willing to take and make the big shot.  But, he said, you still have a lot to work on.  Message received!

Why? Because I knew this coach loved me and I trusted him.  That allowed him to shake me up.

God and Israel have a similar relationship.  God has been faithful to Israel.  Therefore, God can call Israel to account and call them out of their sin into new relationship and possibility.  In fact, Isaiah 52 is a part of the section of Isaiah (Isa. 40-55) that is written while they are in exile (587/86 BC).

There is hope and promise here, especially for a community that is defeated.  God calls them to "shake off the dust" and rise up to new possibilities with God.  That God is so faithful is reason one why we can hear the call to rise up and shake off our sin, our doubt, our failings and our shame.

Because God will do a new thing!

God of fidelity and love, may we be so moved by your grace that we see hope always. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Well said brother. Challenge borne of love is a life-changer.
