Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Devotion for Wednesday, May 17 (A Week with 1 Corinthians)

For as often as you eat of this bread and drink from this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes (I Corinthians 11:26)

We share the sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday at Bethel.  I am so glad that we do and that it has become commonplace to do so in most Lutheran congregations.  For what we believe about Holy Communion is actually quite awesome.

For Lutherans, Holy Communion is more than a memory exercise.  Neither is it a full-blown transformation of bread and wine.  Instead, Lutherans walk a middle path if you will.

We believe that while the elements remain bread/wine, we also strongly believe that the mysterious presence of Jesus is "in, with, and under" the elements as spiritual nourishment.  We call this the "real presence".  Therefore, Holy Communion is something we desire and need each week.

When my daughter Leah celebrated her "First Communion", I remember so vividly is that leading up to that Sunday, she kept saying "Is this the Sunday that I get to do the cup?"  Her joy in participating in worship in this new way was infections for our family.  I so hope that she does not lose that joy for the remainder of her life.

I have seen the power of Holy Communion in the lives of many people, particularly older people who are unable to attend worship with any regularity, if at all.  They value receiving the bread/wine because it connects them to their church but also to a life-long promise of Jesus' presence, forgiveness, and grace.

And isn't that feeling something we need to experience as much as possible?

Nourishing Lord, may our lives be filled by your Spirit, sustaining us and energizing us for faith. Amen.

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