Monday, September 19, 2016

Devotion for Monday, September 19 (A Week with First Peter)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you 
(I Peter 1:3-4)

"This letter is one of the most hope-filled books in the New Testament. Its purpose is to encourage Christian converts living in the midst of a hostile society. It does this by emphasizing their new life and salvation in the risen Christ (who is their "living hope"), showing how they became heirs of the people of God described in the Old Testament, and helping them understand what it means to live faithfully among people who ridicule and harass them. Throughout this letter, Jesus Christ's life, and especially his suffering, is used as an example of how they are to understand and bear their sufferings as they seek to do God's will (Luther Seminary Online Study Source, "Enter the Bible")."

We all need hope, especially during difficult times, and these can certainly be described a difficult and uncertain times.  As we explore First Peter this week, let us remember that this promise of hope amidst suffering was at the heart of the early church.  From irrelevancy to persecution, the early Christians were outsiders and subject to untold sufferings.  Yet, they found great hope in the story and life of Jesus and his promise.

May we remember amidst our sufferings that hope will see us through too.

Lord of Hope, may we find strength in your promises at all times. Amen.

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